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Asset Recovery and Disposal
How to cost effectively deal with redundant IT equipment and generate residual value?
This is a problem faced by most if not all businesses and at ACCIVA we actively encourage re-use rather than de-manufacture or disposal. This is the best form of recycling, we are able to keep IT products away from landfill and return value to our clients at the same time. You can rely on us to minimise any risk by managing all security and environmental issues.
All IT managers know that the lifecycle of their current IT infrastructure is fleeting. It’s a moving feast as upgrades, technology refreshes or consolidations are always on the horizon. Planning for the inevitabilities of tomorrow requires the right solution today.
How to decide on the best disposal options for used IT assets is a problem faced by many policy makers, regulators and businesses and the best re-use and recycling schemes are those that recover the most value for serviceable products and reduce the cost for disposing of obsolete items.
At the same time there's a hugely important requirement to minimise risk by managing all security and environmental issues. The secure handling and destruction of confidential and sensitive data contained on IT equipment is paramount and it's essential to engage services that provide assurance through effective risk management and to demonstrate the utmost standard of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Key Benefits
Generating maximum residual return from the resale of used IT technology.
Unmatched remarketing and processing capabilities to handle large volumes and range of IT technology, reducing response time and process timescales.
Refurbishment for re-use within own organisation reducing procurement cost
of new.
Collect and process product through multiple operational facilities across Europe.
Business risk assurance with guaranteed data eradication through HM Government approved company.
Guaranteed compliance through fully reported environmentally sustainable recycling providing 0% landfill & 100% recovery of non-working IT assets.
A fully transparent and auditable service driven by ISO certified procedures and guaranteed service levels.
CSR and PR opportunities through charity donation and environmental sustainability.
Proactive account management with continual advice on legislation and how to optimise value.
"The asset disposal and recovery service pays for itself, and has helped
us reduce our impact on the environment with zero landfill for
unwanted IT equipment.”
Work with a best practice leader to meet your business objectives.
Asset recovery and disposal services from ACCIVA offer businesses the opportunity to off-load excess or outdated technology with the potential to return value to your IT budget. Alternatively, why not speak to us about possible upgrade paths for your equipment; this may be an even more cost efficient way to get the best out of your IT assets……and friendly to the environment too!

Providing a Complete Portfolio of IT Solutions